The Need for a Unifying Vision

Currently, the Arab world is staring at a bleak horizon, and may be enduring the most difficult period in its modern history

Currently, the Arab world is staring at a bleak horizon, and may be enduring the most difficult period in its modern history. There are no apparent easy solutions, nor any foreseeable deliverance.

Consequently, many are afflicted with despair; frustration drives some toward emigration, others to resort to religious fundamentalism, while still others indulge in escapist consumerism. Today, our region is in need of investing in steadfast hope that is accompanied by serious and diligent work.

The greatest challenge confronting us, in the face of our wretched state of polarization, fragmentation and loss, is a purposeful and unifying vision to bind us together toward an open and promising destiny.

That vision must go beyond realism without overlooking reality; it must be comprehensive without ignoring or dismissing the component parts; it must be hopeful, ambitious, lively, productive and fruitful.

For a vision stripped of serious commitment, hard work and the capacity to bear fruit is nothing but a rosy dream.

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